Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s “faux royal tour” upset the Palace, but a source claims Harry still craves his family’s approval.

Prince Harry is said to be furious that the Royal Family are still not recognising his efforts after his and Meghan Markle’s trip to Nigeria received broad international coverage.

The couple travelled to the West African country earlier this month where they spent three days meeting locals, hosting panels and attending several Invictus Games events.

However, the Firm were said to be angered at the Sussexes apparently emulating a royal tour, despite them stepping down as working royals four years ago.

Royal author Tom Quinn told The Mirror: ” Harry and Meghan see their recent trip to Nigeria as a huge success, but for Harry, every success is another kind of failure while his family refuse to acknowledge his efforts and steadfastly refuse to apologise for everything that has happened in the past.

“In Nigeria and even with Meghan at his side and regularly holding his hand, he still has a permanent look of bitterness on his face.”

Prince Harry scowling in Nigeria

Prince Harry is upset with his family (Image: Getty)

Although Harry and Meghan were received warmly in Nigeria, there are fears their actions could only worsen their rift with the Royal Family.

Lynn Carratt explained in InStyle: “These faux royal tours could deepen their rift with the Royal Family, if not handled correctly. Their Nigerian tour bared all that hallmarks of a Royal Tour which was said to [have] infuriated the Palace.

“I don’t believe the Nigerian tour helped to increase their popularity in the UK and USA. But it did showcase to the African nations the work that [the] couple can do and will certainly have increased their popularity there.”

Harry and Meghan smiling in Nigeria

Harry and Meghan could have more tours planned for the future (Image: Getty)The Duke and Duchess have hinted at more tours in the future, with Ghana being discussed as a possible destination for their next visit.

A source told The Mirror: “There is already a lot of talk and excitement in Ghana, everyone is so keen for Harry and Meghan to come and experience the great culture and warmth.”

However, as commentator Esther Krakue pointed out, Ghana does not send participants to the Invictus Games and questioned what the motivation for the couple going there would be.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex Visit Nigeria

Meghan previously revealed she is 43 percent Nigerian (Image: Getty)

The working Royal Family will be unable to carry out many engagements until the General Election is over, as they are prohibited from doing anything which could be construed as political in the run-up to the vote.

However, Prince William will be travelling to France next month for the 80th anniversary celebrations of D-Day, and Trooping the Colour has also been confirmed.

Unlike last year Princess Kate will not be among the attendees at the monarch’s annual official birthday celebrations as she continues her cancer treatment.