Meghan Markle is said to feel she’s ‘had her revenge’ after exiting the royal family four years ago, as her Nigeria trip is deemed a triumph and she’s been seen as ‘an important world figure’, claims a royal expert

Meghan Markle has never regretted her decision to step back from being a working royal, according to a royal expert.

Meghan, alongside her husband Prince Harry, famously stepped back from the royal family in 2020 before moving to the US. In the following months, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex opened up with controversial interviews and comments in their Netflix series over their experience and treatment in the royal family.

Royal expert and author Tom Quinn exclusively tells the Mirror that he doesn’t believe Meghan has ever thought twice about her decision to quit the Royal Family. He said: “Harry’s mental health has suffered as a result of the break with his family, but Meghan never doubts her decision to stop being a full-time working royal.”
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped down from the royal family in 2020 
AFP via Getty Images)

He continued: “She and Harry are both products of dysfunctional families, but being much tougher than Harry Meghan relishes the battle and feels that, having been badly treated when she was in England, she has had her revenge: the Nigeria trip made her feel as she has always wanted to feel – acknowledged as a member of the Royal family and feted as an important world figure.”

The comments come after Meghan and her husband Harry completed a three-day trip to Nigeria, which has been likened to a royal tour despite the couple no longer being working royals. It also appears there will be similar trips for Harry and Meghan on the cards in the future, as in a message thanking the people of Nigeria following their return home, they described it as “the first of many trips”.

The trip is thought to have angered the royal family, particularly Prince William. Royal author Tom Quinn told The Mirror: “William is absolutely furious and determined to find a way to stop this happening in future. Charles is said to be angrier than anyone has ever seen him.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle is said to feel like she’s had ‘her revenge’ according to a royal expert as her Nigeria trip is deemed a success 
AFP via Getty Images)“What’s really upset the applecart is the fact that the Nigerians treated Meghan and Harry as if they too thought this was an official tour – all the signs were there as the couple were greeted with dances, receptions, visits to schools and charities.”

He added it’s “easy to see why the senior royals are worried” and said it could be that the Nigeria visit was designed to give the impression Harry and Meghan were still working royals. He concluded: “Everything you might expect from an official Royal visit was there – the receptions, the visits to schools and charities, to wounded soldiers and the disabled. Meghan and Harry’s speeches and their whole attitude has been designed to give the impression that they are still fully paid-up royals and William and his father King Charles don’t like it one bit.”