Amidst their sixth wedding anniversary, the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has faced a swirl of controversies. Shocking rumors s…

Amidst their sixth wedding anniversary, the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has faced a swirl of controversies. Shocking rumors suggest that Meghan has been living it up without Harry and the kids, cozying up to a mysterious man in Jamaica according to information circulating on Tumblr.

An anonymous poster claims Meghan has been partying and drinking excessively there, contradicting any stories about a sick child.

Rumors of her having an older man with her in Jamaica, whom she couldn’t get enough of at a local restaurant, only add fuel to the fire.

The implication is that Meghan is planning to divorce Harry and has no intention of keeping the children.

The mystery man was described as being in his 40s or 50s, but his identity remains unknown. As with any juicy celebrity gossip, it’s wise to take these rumors with a grain of salt.

However, multiple sources say Meghan traveled alone to Jamaica ahead of the Bob Marley premiere and has been living it up without her family – allegedly indulging in excessive drinking and cozying up to an older gentleman.

The whispers suggest Meghan may have found a new leading man in Jamaica and is ready to ditch the “dead weight” of her relationship with Harry.

It seems Meghan is eager to reclaim the Hollywood lifestyle she once enjoyed, and rumors indicate the couple has been living largely separate lives.

Meghan has always been driven by a need for ego-boosting attention, and if the children are merely “rented props” to her, it’s easy to imagine her discarding them too in pursuit of her next big thrill.

This isn’t the first time Meghan has allegedly strayed, either – last year, reports surfaced that she had an affair with a bodyguard named Christopher Sanchez.

The speculation around the Sussexes’ marriage has only intensified, with commentators like Kinsey Schofield and Andrew Pierce weighing in.

Pierce in particular feels Meghan has been showcasing herself, with Harry merely “coming along for the ride.” The overall sense is of a power struggle between the two, with Harry fighting a losing battle to maintain his place.