Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been urged to step in for royal engagements as King Charles, Princess Kate, and Prince William continue their break.

According to In Touch Weekly, the trio of senior royals are out of the public royal calendar for the foreseeable future as they continue to grapple with respective health crisis.

It leaves Anne, the Princess Royal, to shoulder 70% of the firm’s public facing duties, posing concern at her wellbeing due to age factor.

U.K.-based wellbeing experts at GoSmokeFree released a joint plea for the Sussexes to pitch in for royal duties, despite their exit from the firm four years ago.

“We are deeply concerned for her wellbeing and worry Her Royal Highness may be on the brink of burnout,” the experts from GoSmokeFree expressed, according to the Mirror.

While we are confident HRH serves her country tirelessly with unmatched dedication, we urge other royals to get involved to balance the workload.”

“Perhaps it is time for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to return to the UK and support the sovereign as working royals during such a critical period for the royal family,” they continued.

“Their involvement in attending public engagements would become crucial in lightening the heavy workload Princess Anne has taken upon herself and prevent her from reaching burnout,” the experts added.