With three small children, TODAY’s Dylan Dreyer and her husband, Brian Fichera, don’t get a ton of alone time.

But at least they share a hobby.

Dylan credits her husband for introducing her to golf shortly after they began dating. Fichera even bought Dylan her first set of clubs. Now, after a decade of marriage, it’s still their favorite date.

“Golf is the thing we do together. We have a couple of drinks, we laugh. We remember why we fell in love,” Dylan tells TODAY.com. “Then we go home and it’s right back to family.”

The TODAY meteorologist and Fichera, an NBC cameraman, are parents of sons Calvin, 5, Oliver, 2, and Rusty, 14 months.

“When we brought Rusty home from the hospital, Brian was like, ‘OK. Let’s just accept the fact that this is going to be the hardest year of our lives,” Dylan says. “Now we’re through that first year and Rusty is getting easier. You know, he’s less of that needy baby in the middle of the night.”

The couple is still very much focused on their three boys.

“It’s a lot of kid time. It’s like, ‘Brian, I need to take Oliver to the doctor. I need you to take Calvin to karate. I’ll see you at dinner!’” Dylan shares. ” I don’t want say it’s had any negative impact on our relationship — we’ve only gotten stronger.”

Dylan says she owes that, in part, to Fichera teaching her how to communicate better.

“My family can hold a grudge. If something is bothering us, we’re like, ‘I’ll talk to you later,’ and then we never address why we were upset in the first place,” Dylan says. “Brian won’t even let me be mad for 10 minutes. He’s like,’ Please just talk to me about you’re upset so we can go back to having fun.’”

Though Dylan and Brian both work long hours, they are constantly in touch.

“Our schedules mean we don’t see each other much, but we text all the time,” Dylan told TODAY.com earlier this year. “Sometimes it’s even easier to have an important or deep conversation via text because we get all our thoughts out without being interrupted.”

“We don’t find it impersonal. In fact, just the opposite,” she continued. “We know each other well enough to understand each other’s tone so a lot gets accomplished through texting!”